Deep Night Season 15: Spirit Bidding

Dale believes that for the past year, his dead father has been speaking to him through the online auction site ebay. He discusses the moment he came to realize this was happening and finds scholarly research into the correlation between new technologies and spiritualism to back him up. Before he gets anywhere though, he provides more-than-would-ever-be-necessary backstory to a mysterious character that served as the two-headed key to both rebuilding his childhood collection and helping his move through a year of loss. Dale nerds out to the extreme in this episode, but ends up finding comfort in the details and a sense of peace that comes from finally completing a set. Auction sites as seance parlors, the importance of rituals, and building altars out of Batmobiles… all this week on Deep Night.

Thanks to Shannon Taggart for her work and her magnificent book, Seance. This episode concludes with an excerpt of “Look Out for the Batman” recorded by the Merriettes, in 1966 on the Synthetic Plastics Company record label out of Newark, NJ. The song is among many featuring DC Comics heroes written by Tony Eira and Dale urges you to seek them out. You will not be disappointed.