Deep Night Season 13: Wendy Steiner

Dale waits for that second shot and experiences a new wave of what-happens-now social anxiety as he welcomes comedian Wendy Steiner to the Deep Night. Wendy talks with Dale about her path from shy audience member at comedy clubs in San Francisco to confident performer on stages around New York. The two also discuss the hidden world of competitive after-dinner conversations, what it’s like inside a fast-casual mascot costume, and how detrimental the cut and paste function can be when trying to write. Dale is a big champion of long-form, which will come as no surprise. Plus Dale has a sponsor for the first time in ages and he’s very glad it’s not a certain Scandinavian meatball shop that exists solely to drive couples apart.

This week’s episode brought to you by Baxter Blue glasses, like Dale’s glasses, but effective. For 10% off a pair of Baxter Blues, adjust your eyes and just click here. 

For more on Wendy or to find out where her next show is happening in real space or online visit