Deep Night Season 13: Dale Makes a Move

Dale’s packing up everything he owns as things take a difficult turn on the commune. Apparently he should have read the small print and the large print before settling in and now he and Galinda need to seek a new living arrangement. Luckily a place has opened up above a vegan ice cream parlor and so he’s taping up old liquor store boxes and filling them with crystals and memories of his showbiz past. Along the way, and much to Galinda’s chagrin, he keeps getting easily distracted by cosmic metaphors that are swirling around like that big boat that got stuck, the volcano in Iceland, and NFTs. Is this a great moment for things breaking free and moving forward? Should one only try to spark joy, or are other emotions ok? Can his objects hear his thoughts? Will we find the light that we seek? It’s a lot for Dale to take on at such a late hour, but he does it anyway.