Deep Night Season 13: Cassandra Jenkins

Dale considers befriending more security guards and calling up a few dulcimer players after this conversation with New York-based musician and songwriter, Cassandra Jenkins. Over the course of the episode, Cassandra and Dale find quite a few points of connection among them, including a love for folk festivals held on rocky islands, heavenly sculptures made of rope, and a place famous for its coffee milk and problematic ghost stories. The two talk about what it was like to grow up in family band, fun at jazz camp, and how visual art has informed Cassandra’s approach to music. Plus Dale rediscovers a candy treat from his childhood and has some new offerings from the commune craft shop. The episode also includes a track from Cassandra’s new album out Feb. 19th.

Cassandra’s album An Overview On Phenomenal Nature is available everywhere on February 19th. Find it, download it, stream it, and give it a careful listen. It’s a powerful work that will surely open up some new avenues of mindful exploration.

Photo of Cassandra in original post by Wyndham Boylan Garnett.