Deep Night Season 13: Camirin Farmer

Dale wafts through a haze of holiday “incense” to find his astrologically attuned new friend, Los Angeles-based comedian, Camirin Farmer. The two take a laughter-filled walk on the mystic side as they swap ideas for the winter solstice and explore the meaning behind Dale’s recurring dreams about shopping malls. Camirin shares the origins of her interest in astrology and talks about how she got started performing stand up. Plus a gift guide for Libras, some thoughts on Zoom Santas, and how smoking weed could help a person navigate even the most awkward holiday gatherings. With an intro about Dale’s increasingly desperate attempts to manifest the holiday spirit amidst the pandemic.

To tune into Your Virgo Friend Camirin, or the other offerings of Eternal Family – visit . Dale recommends The Lady and the Owl, Jerry Paper, and of course, Dole. But be warned. Once you’re part of that particular family, you may never leave!