Deep Night Season 12: Brian Bahe

Dale stands ready before the positive energy vortex that is comedian Brian Bahe. Originally from the great state of Arizona, Brian has been building an impressive comedy career in New York for the past six years. Dale met Brian out at the 208 Comedy Fest in Boise where the two were on the same bill and navigated an especially enthusiastic club crowd. The two share some behind the scenes tidbits and offer a few ways to avoid having little things throw you during a set. As it turns out, Brian often looks to the side of things in own life, but Dale trains his laser pointer right into the heart of the matter and the two have a great conversation about loneliness, hook up mishaps, and growing up Native American and Catholic in the American Southwest. Plus Dale discovers another branch of the Seever family tree and tells the story of what might have been.

Find Brian Bahe online – or go see his monthly shows Butt Dream at Rack Shack or Starf#$%ers: Astrology but Make it Comedy.