Dale Radio Season 4: Katy Maslow, Twig Terrariums

Katy and a wall of glass.

Dale seeps into the soft, damp world of moss with Katy Maslow, one half of the duo behind the Gowanus-based terrarium emporium, Twig. Katy and Dale discuss the evolution of Twig’s success which includes living out of Toyotas, sex-tariums, frequent mossing, and Ohio glass manufacturers. Be sure to check out their book, Tiny World Terrariums, available now!

As always, give it some time to load, since there are images embedded, or listen over on iTunes and become a subscriber! Dale’s appearing twice over the next week, both times at Film Biz Recycling. First up is the Super Fun Superfund Variety Show, Saturday, April 21 at 8pm. And then next week, Thursday, April 26th also at 8pm, Dale’s hosting another live episode of the show with Jen Messier, Cory McAbee, and Matthew Fass. The show on the 26th is free! Hope to see you at one or both!